About Me

I grew up in Mount Vernon, WA, and took interest in bodywork right away because my uncle and grandfather were both chiropractors.  I fractured a part of my lumbar when I was 14, so I sought out alternative types of healing.  I found that chiropr...


Congratulations on finding the BEST massage therapist in San Diego!  

I know most of you are living with some sort of pain day in and day out.  You have probably tried many different ways to try to get rid of it to no avail.  Well I'm here to tell you there is hope!  I specialize in FUNCTIONAL massage.  What does that mean?  That means my sole purpose is to FIX you.  I'm not here to rub your feet and scalp for an hour.  I'm also not trying to make you a massage junkie who needs one a week for the rest of your life.  I am here to destroy the pain that is destroying you once and for all.  I do that by simply finding the underlying cause.  

Too many therapists just chase pain around or worse, avoid the spot all together and focus on relaxing you.  I am not one of these therapists.  By using a ton of different techniques, working with other health care professionals, always educating myself on the latest findings, and listening to your body, I have had success where others have failed. 


So are you ready to solve that nagging problem finally?  Are you ready to live a life without pain?  Click on the contact page and let's talk about anything that you're curious about.  I'll talk to you soon!